A Few Words

About Us

Brings 20 Years of Experience to Canada

HASHTI mean vestibule or foyer space of buildings in Persian, a space to welcome the guests, retain the privacy of residents, and prevent unwanted dusty or hot air. It also means Eight (8) as traditional Hashti spaces mostly have octagon plans with artistically oriented ceilings and walls.


Meet Our Team

We love to meet with you.

founder, Director
M Arch. Intern Member cahp⁎
CACB/BEFA⁑ in-process

Maziar QA.

As an internationally trained registered architect in process to be an architect in Canada. I am proud to have designed many buildings and sites and managed their construction. I had established an architectural firm in 2001 and led it for 15 years, where we designed many residential, cultural, institutional, and commercial projects. Then I practiced as an Environmental Planner and  Project Coordinator in a Sustainable Development Regional Planning Project for three years within a large group of Japanese experts.

In Ottawa, I designed the interiors, exteriors and landscape of a house; designed bathrooms; managed construction of a new single-family 3-storey house; redesigned entire exteriors of a house in Manotick; designed a couple of unfinished basements; designed a new 2-storey house, and designed a Tattoo and Art Gallery.

Working at a local reputable Design Build firm specializing in high end basement renovation and expansions in Ottawa as a Designer and Design Manager, improved my local knowledge on codes, reliable suppliers, etc.

⁎CAHP, Canadian Association of Heritage Professionals

 CACB/BEFA, Canadian Architectural Board Certification/ Broad Experienced Foreign Architects program.

Mahnaz 3
associate designer
M Arch.
green architecture SPECIALIST

Mahnaz ZT.

I am an internationally trained architect, mother of two, specialized in Green Buildings design. I designed many interior projects with a magnificent attentions to their construction details along with environmental and health considerations.

In my first country, I earned a BA and a MA in Architecture and here in Ottawa I had a great chance to complete my studies in Green Architecture at Algonquin College.

Being an architectural millwork drafter at LTR Industries allowed me to get more familiar with the MDF industry, professional CNC programs, custom and mass production of cabinets, shelves, closets, etc.

I love to bring all my technical knowledge and artistic sense to people’s house or workplace since it is a way that I can support my community and be a good pattern for my sons.